Projects with or for children
De kleine bienale 2006, Nieuwestfest 2012, Aeneas 2002, De Scheet 2015, De keizerin van Kusland 2017
House of Butterflies/Casa delle farfalle/ Huis voor vlinders, De Kleine Biennale 2006
For De Kleine Biennale (The Little Biennal) on Fortress Het Hemeltje, Utrecht, The Netherlands, May/June 2006 I created a small house for butterflies with children who came by and helped me coloring.
Een huis in een huis in een huis, nieuwwestfest Amsterdam (September 2012)
A home in a home in a home, During the New West Fest, 22 and 23 September 2012, about 50 visitors of the Art Circle described me their room or ideal space, I have translated these descriptions, sometimes full of fantasies with ink and paints on canvases, all togehter they are a big collage of a home of the neighbourhood.
You can visit the constellation of these paintings in the Talentenhuis in Osdorp, Amsterdam